Meet Your Farmer: Waxwing Farm!

Waxwing Farm is a 40 acre farm in Webster, MN owned and operated by Pete Skold and Anna Racer. Originally from the metro area, Anna and Pete spent many summers in Northern Minnesota leading wilderness trips for youth where they fell in love with being outdoors. Both completed internships at other farms before purchasing their own farm.

They produce vegetables and animals using sustainable practices. Along with vegetable fields, they have a hoop house which allows them to sell spinach at the winter’s farmers market and sell vegetables much earlier in the season. They sell their produce at the Fulton Farmers Market and deliver CSA Shares to neighborhoods throughout the metro area.

Fun facts:

A new farmer, Harley James was born to Anna and Pete in December 2013! He joins them occasionally at the farmer’s market.

Anna’s favorite vegetable is beets, Pete’s favorite vegetable is tomatoes and Haley’s favorite vegetable is peas!

Anna and Pete grow about 40 different crops and more than 200 different varieties.

When Pete is not farming, he brews beer in their basement. Anna likes to read and go for walks with their dog Greta. But mostly they love spending time with their son, Harley!

Farming Philosophy: Growing food in a way that is as low-impact as possible and valuing diversity in the food that is grown!

Find Waxwing Farm every Saturday at the Fulton Farmers Market!


Eat at Red Cow on July 6th & support the market!


Meet your Farmer: Dawn2Dusk Farm