Q: Do the markets run rain or shine?
A: Yes, our markets are open rain or shine and our vendors would appreciate your support in all types of weather. It is only in cases of severe weather that our market operations may be affected. We do our best to update our Instagram & Facebook accounts in real time if that is the case, and also share updates via our e-news.
Q: Do you allow dogs at the markets?
A: Sorry, pooch! You look like a very good dog but unless you are working, we don’t allow dogs within the market areas.
Q: Do you have a lost & found? I left my ___ at the market.
A: Please get in touch! We may very well have it. Many found items are brought to our information booth visit us there or email info@neighborhoodrootsmn.org.
Q: Do vendors accept credit cards?
A: Some of our vendors accept credit cards, but many do not. If you did not bring enough cash with you to the market, stop by the info booth where staff can swipe your credit card in exchange for market tokens which can be spent with vendors. Tokens come in increments of $5; you will receive cash change when you make your purchase. There is a $2 fee per credit card swipe. The tokens do not expire and can be used at Fulton, Kingfield, and Nokomis Markets as well as our winter markets.
Q: What types of products are vendors allowed to sell at your markets?
A: All of our vendors are selling products that they have grown, raised, made, or substantially transformed themselves. This includes produce, meats, canned goods, other packaged edible goods, or non-food crafts. These products are sold by the vendors themselves or their employees; our organization does not allow product distribution at our markets (i.e. the re-selling of someone else’s goods).
Q: Where are your vendors from – what’s your definition of ‘local’?
A: Neighborhood Roots defines ‘local’ as the five-state region around the markets. Vendors may apply if they are from Minnesota or a bordering state (North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, or Wisconsin).
Q: Will I find the same vendors at the market(s) each week?
A: Many of our vendors are at the market on a weekly basis but we also rotate other vendors in and out in order to broaden the variety of products available. Typically, our agricultural vendors (produce, meats, cheese) are at the markets weekly along with a couple of staple products (breads, coffee). Other non-agricultural items & crafts are available on a rotating basis. Find out who will be at the markets each week through our e-newsletters.
Q: How can I have a booth to talk about my business or non-profit?
A: Local Minneapolis businesses can have a booth at the market by becoming a sponsor. Visit our sponsorship page to learn about our market day sponsor or a full-season sponsorship. Non-profit organizations can have a booth at the market to talk about their organization, fill out our community tabling form to join us! Political campaigning or soliciting is NOT allowed at the market.
Q: What kinds of growing practices do your vendors use?
A: Our vendors use a variety of growing practices. We believe that allowing for this variety is the best way to support a diverse array of vendors, with a mix of products and price points. Each of our markets has at least 1 vendor who is certified organic. Others may use organic practices, although they may not be certified.
Want to learn more about a vendor’s growing practices? Please ask them! They are the best source of information on what they do, and why they do it. Not sure where to start the conversation? Let them know you are curious about their growing practices and try these questions: How do you control for weeds? How do you control for pests and diseases?
Q: My question’s not answered here, help!
A: Please reach out to info@neighborhoodrootsmn.org, or stop by the market information booth at any of our markets to ask our staff your question in person. We are happy to help!