Meet your Farmer: Dawn2Dusk Farm

Moses Momanyi grew up on a farm in rural western Kenya. After winning a visa lottery, he emigrated to the United States in 2004 where he met his wife, Ronah, who had also won a visa lottery to come to the US. After arriving in the US, Moses worked many different jobs, including renting community garden plots where he planted traditional Kenyan crops and sold them to the Kenyan community. He then received training through the nonprofit Minnesota Food Association (MFA), growing vegetables on rented acreage for a wider community including farmers markets, CSA’s and wholesale accounts.

Moses and Ronah started Dawn2Dusk Gardens in 2009 on five acres that they rented in the St. Criox Falls, WI, area. They cultivated about 3 dozen crops, including vegetables and fruits, and received Organic Certification for their farm there. In 2014, they purchased their own land and moved to Cambridge, MN, where they are working to bring the land back to organic status.

Fun facts:
– Moses and Ronah have two children, Faith and Neil
– When it comes to farming, Moses says, “It’s not all about the money – it’s about the lifestyle”
– Moses encourages other East Africans to get into farming…but cautions that there is a reason why he named his business Dawn2Dusk Gardens!
– They welcome volunteers to help them build a sustainable, organic farm
– Moses’ parents are spending the summer here in the US, helping to farm and take care of their grandchildren

Find Dawn2Dusk Farm on Saturday mornings at the Fulton Market and on Sunday mornings at the Kingfield market!


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