Meet Your Farmer: Uproot Farm

Sarah hasn’t always been a farmer – she had 3 careers before farming. After graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in English, she spent time in France and Spain working on organic farms, then worked at an environmental publishing business in New York City. She developed an interest in sustainable food production which led to an apprenticeship at Fort Hill Farm in Connecticut. It was there that she developed a love for farming and in September, 2010, she moved back to Minnesota and started Uproot Farm.

Uproot Farm is now a 20 acre diversified vegetable farm located just an hour north of the Twin Cities. Sarah and her team are in their fifth production season, raising veggies and pastured chickens in a healthful and environmentally responsible way. She sells her produce at the Fulton Farmers Market and delivers CSA Shares to neighborhoods throughout the metro area.

Fun facts:
Favorite vegetable? kale
Least favorite vegetable? greens beans, mostly because I don’t like picking them.
Favorite Fulton Farmers Market memory? It’s something that happens every summer— kids going crazy over Sungold Cherry tomatoes.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be, and why? I would control the weather to the benefit of all farmers.
Best advice she’s gotten about farming? Breathe.
What do you do when you’re not doing work for your farm? Sleep
Farming philosophy: “Food with the farmer’s face on it”–Philosophical translation of Teikei, the original CSA in Japan.


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